Wednesday, October 05, 2011

An Open Letter to the Canadian Government

I have had multiple conversations with friends and family about politics the last few years. I have noticed that people have moved one of three directions. They either blindly vote the way that they have always voted and wholeheartedly vote that way, they are disenchanted with the regular political parties and have started voting for new parties, or they have completely given up on paying attention to politics altogether.
I think we need to move away from all of these directions and do something different. I think we need to analyse what is important and tell our politicians what they need to stand up for in order to not only get our vote, but our support as well. And this must be independent of the political party we have always voted for. If we don't tell politicians what is important to us then they will not know what we want them to do, and will take us for granted.

So, I am writing this letter to Prime Minister Harper, and my local MP, and then will send an amended version to leaders of the other political parties in Canada. I encourage each of you to do the same:

Good evening Prime Minister Harper,

I have always voted Reform Party/Conservative, because I felt that they best aligned with my moral or ethical views. However, my support has been declining with some of the government decisions that have been made recently. I am starting to become more open to other options that are available. Right now, the best that you will get out of me is a vote, and that may soon disappear if I do not see changes soon! If I see changes, that vote could transition to financial, physical and time support.

I feel that the Christian vote is being taken for granted by the Conservative Party. I will be vocal to Christians when talking about politics; I will urge them to become informed about issues and make voting decisions accordingly.

Before I get too far into this letter, I know that there are many issues that you need to balance, and I have defended your party on many fronts. An example is how you focus so much on the economy. Some people see that to mean that you care more about the economy than the people. I have reminded them how important the economy is in order to then in turn support the people. This also extends to the military. We cannot forget about the military.

Okay, now my thoughts:

I have been very disillusioned with the way that MP Trost has been left high and dry! An MP should be able to be true to who they are and the ethics and morals that they stand by. They should not be shut down and muzzled, as he has been. That is partly why people voted for MP Trost, because they agree with what he is saying.

I want a government which is brave and willing to make statements and decisions that may not be popular, but are the best decisions for this country in the long-term. So many decisions in politics in North America appear to be made with a short-term view in mind, so that one can be elected for the next term. I think many long-term decisions may cost more in the short-term, but in the long-term they will be more beneficial, both for creating change and for the benefit of the country financially. An example of this is how the homeless and criminals are being handled. I think we need to focus more on rehabilitation than incarceration, and more on creating a home and a new life than giving a house. There is a difference. An example of this is the methadone program. This is horrible! Methadone kills these people and just replaces their one addiction with a new one! This program just puts money into the doctors' pockets who supply the methadone to the patients until they finally die! There are other programs out there that may cost more initially, but long-term, can break the addiction, and then the government will not need to pay for the drugs but will have a person who can be a positive addition to society. These other programs may cost more short-term, but less long-term, and will bring healing!

I am looking for a government that truly cares about the people of this nation, from conception until death. People are the greatest asset we have and we need to truly support them. I am looking for a government that takes a stance on abortion and the life of the not yet born. I am looking for a government that will support people until death. This means that people who are struggling with unemployment or disabilities will be helped to change their lives and become productive members of society. This doesn't mean creating programs and giving them money, but investing in them and helping them develop life skills in order to be involved in society. This may be a large investment in the short-term, but then results in changed lives and less of a drain in the long-term. This includes the homeless, as I stated before. Programs are okay, but we need to invest and help them actually succeed and change their lives. This also includes caring for the elderly in our society. Many are forgotten, and do not end their lives well. They have contributed greatly in building our society for years, and now that they don't bring money or resources in, they are pushed aside. This is not right!

This long-sighted view that I am looking for includes the environment. We need to take steps for the environment for future generations. The environment may not fall apart during our lifetime, but we NEED to care about it and for it for the sake of future generations.

I am looking for a government that is not selfish, but is selfless.

I am also looking for a government that takes a stance globally! It is amazing how a little money can go a long way in this world, such as building wells to help end the famine and poverty in Africa. A little money can build many wells and help millions of people! Two other examples are what is happening in the Congo and in human trafficking. The kidnapping and use of children in the Congo as child soldiers needs to end. There is a call for a true and fair election in the Congo and Canada needs to be involved with this to ensure that the election happens fairly. I have seen Western countries do this before, but mostly only when it benefits them financially, such as with Iraq and their oil.

Human trafficking concerns me as deeply as the issues in the Congo. There may not be a benefit to Canada financially to step in, but it is the right thing to do. There are children in Thailand as young as a year old who are being prostituted and many of the "johns" are from the western world, including Canada! This is disgusting and countries such as Thailand need to be pressured to make this end. This issues includes boys and girls being bought in these countries and shipped over to the western world, including Canada, and used as prostitutes here! This is on our own soil and MUST BE STOPPED!!!

I am looking for a government that is not selfish, but is selfless, willing to work with members of other parties in parliament. I have seen time again, one party will come up with an idea and the other party will shoot it down, and then times change and another party takes power and ends up with the same idea they shot down before, and the party who originally thought of it shuts it down because it isn't their bill. This needs to change!

If you and your party address these issues with honesty and integrity I will support you, and the more you align with my views, the more support you will receive from me. I will not continue to support you blindly! These issues are very important to me and must not be ignored!


Jadon Frank

I heard a podcast by Mike Huckabee that talked about this same subject! He is a pastor in Arkansas and then got involved in politics and ran for the leadership of the Republican Party. His take on how to vote is VERY refreshing. He doesn't tell people to vote for a particular party, but to vote according to one's convictions, and let the politicians know what these convictions are. Listen to the podcast at: