Thursday, June 05, 2008

An Update of sorts

OK,I know I owe many people emails... and I will reply... soon! my weeks are shot without internet access (I live for the weekends), but the last few weekends I have not had much time on any sort of internet... but soon!
This is an email that I am planning to send out soon (once I have enough time on the internet to type in all of the email addresses and press send!). So, some who read this may get this in email form in the next couple of weeks. But, for now here is an update for those who notice and read this blog type thing!
So, my contract with Bethany College as the Interim Athletic Director ended at the conclusion of April. But, I have continued to live out in Hepburn, in the same house that I have lived in for the year. Let me say that it was an incredible year at Bethany, and I grew a lot. It is a great College and I will be keeping my eyes on the happenings for years to come. It will be kept close to my heart for sure. Great student body, great faculty and staff and it was so neat to be a part of it for a year. God is working on that campus.
I knew it was a nine month contract, which I knew would be a very short time, but wow did it ever fly by! Seemed like it just started and then suddenly all the students are gone!
So, I have been continuing to look for work in Athletics for the last few months. I really love college and university athletics, and pray that I will find the right fit for me. I have found that I really love getting to know this age group and trying to come alongside them and helping them integrate their faith into sport. I am still trying to explore different options and discern what that will look like for my future! Whether I should just work towards being part of an University Athletic Department, or if I should be joining Athletes In Action as full time staff. I want to be where God wants me.
But, as I look for the right job I figured I should be making some money, so I have started working construction with Henry Janzen Steel Buildings. I am still not sure what job I will have there, but I will hopefully be put on a crew soon and start learning! It feels like all I do is work, eat and sleep each weekday, as I start at 6:30 am and am not done the day until after 5:00pm (which is why I have fallen behind on my correspondence!), but I should make lots of money and it is pretty close to where I live. This past week I did some framing, which I really enjoyed... it was neat to learn stuff, after just cleaning the yard for the last couple of weeks.
I kind of wish that I had moved into Saskatoon for the summer (I feel kind of alone out here sometimes), but I did not want to move and then two weeks later get a job where I have to move again. So, I will be out in Hepburn till mid-August likely... and then see where God takes me on this journey.
Well, I said I would keep this short... Hmmm, I think that might be it,
Hope you are all doing well... I will update you when I figure out the next step in this adventure of mine called life! It has been good seeing some of you in Saskatoon this past month, always encourages me to see friends, longtime and new!
PS. OK, two quick stories:
I have realized that I have entered a new phase in my life- Now people ask me if I am married! That seems to be the first question that is asked to me when I meet someone new at work, church, etc. I almost break into laughter everytime... it seems like an overnight change!
Also, I was cleaning garbage at the yard where I work, just cleaning up all the stuff that got blown into the trees, etc. Well, I stopped for coffee and saw this thing crawling on my arm, a wood tick! Man, do I ever hate ticks! I was paranoid the rest of the day! But, the song by Brad Paisley kept going through my head, "I want to check you for ticks!" haha